You’ve decided to start a business in New Jersey. Where do you start?
There are many types of businesses out there with a variety of startup costs, tax
responsibilities and benefits, liability, and exemptions. How do you decide what
type of business you should be doing business as?
Click and Inc has brought together information on all various entity types so that
you can be informed.
New Jersey DBA
A New Jersey DBA is registered with either the County Clerk or the Secretary of
State, depending on if you’re doing business as a sole proprietorship or partnership,
or registering a new name for your corporation or LLC. Click and Inc can help you
form your New Jersey DBA.
New Jersey LLC
A limited liability (or LLC), as the name indicates, provides a more limited liability
to owners than a New Jersey DBA; however, there are more stringent tax and annual
filings and higher startup cost with a New Jersey LLC.
New Jersey C Corporation
When you incorporate in New Jersey, you automatically form a C corporation. This
entity type has a flexible structure, but owners experience a double-taxation on
their profits. Let us help you with your New Jersey C Corporation.
New Jersey S Corporation
An S corporation has strict organizational rules—there can be no more than 100 shareholders,
for example, and those shareholders must be US citizens—but there are tax benefits
with the way owners are able to report their earnings. Learn more to decide if a
New Jersey S Corporation is a good fit for your situation.
New Jersey Foreign Corporation
A business already incorporated outside the state that wishes to expand into New
Jersey might need to register their business in the state first; this is known as
a New Jersey Foreign Corporation.
New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation
A 501c3 Nonprofit Corporation enjoys certain tax breaks and exemptions with the
IRS; this status is only available to qualifying organizations. Find out about the
different types of New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation.