What is a Colorado DBA?
A DBA, or Doing Business As, is known by different names in different jurisdictions—Fictitious
Business Name, Fictitious Firm Name, Assumed Name—but in Colorado, this type of
business is called a Trade Name. Filed pursuant to §7-90-102 of the CRS, a Trade
Name is simply the name under which an individual or entity wishes to do business.
It can be regarded as an alias, a direct extension of the owning person or company;
compare this with forming a corporation or an LLC in Colorado, during which process
a new legal entity is formed, separate and distinct from the individual owners.
How to File A Colorado DBA
The first step in filing a Colorado DBA is determining whether your chosen DBA name
is available. You might wish to have Click and Inc perform a preliminary DBA name
search to help minimize the chances of being rejected for a name availability reason.
Though each county uses its own distinct form, the information required in your
DBA application is typically as follows:
- Trade Name—The name under which you will be “doing business as”
- Location of the Trade Name
- Owner—The individual or entity that will be “doing business as” the DBA, or Trade
- Address of DBA Owner
- Signature of the Owner (or representative, if the Owner is a corporate entity)
Click and Inc can register your DBA quickly and affordably!
Other Types of Businesses in Colorado
For information on other types of businesses in Colorado, please explore the links