Texas Corporation and Texas LLC Name
How to do a Texas Corporate or Texas LLC Name Search
A Texas corporate or Texas LLC name search is essential to perform before you fill out and file the Texas articles of incorporation or articles of organization for your business. Texas is known for being a bit of a stickler in regards to business naming. A Texas corporation or LLC name must adhere to the 2-word rule. This means that if you plan to name your company Best Consulting and Auditing Corporation but there is already a Best Consulting Corporation in existence, you will have to come up with a new name for your business. In Texas, the first two words of any corporation’s name cannot be substantially similar to an already existing corporation. The same rules apply to LLCs formed in Texas.
Now, let’s take Best Consulting and Auditing Corporation and look at how you could work this name to fit within the Texas statutes governing corporate naming. If you registered your business as Absolute Best Consulting and Auditing Corporation you would be allowed to under Texas law. By adding another word either before or after the first word in the corporate name, you’ve altered it substantially enough to differentiate it from the previously incorporated Best Consulting Corp.
Each corporation and LLC formed in Texas must also adhere to certain restriction for corporate endings. Corporations must choose from one of the following endings: corporation, company, incorporated or limited. The abbreviations corp., co., inc., and ltd. may also be used. For Texas LLCs, the accepted endings are limited liability company or limited company. The abbreviations LLC, LC, L.L.C. and L.C. may also be used.
There are a number of other rules governing Texas corporation and LLC names. For instance, the word Trust cannot be used in a corporate name without prior approval of the Texas Department of Banking. For more information on researching your Texas corporation name, contact us. Clickandinc.com can help you perform a Texas corporate name search, contact us for more information.
If you have questions, feel free to email us at customerservice@clickandinc.com or call toll-free 1-866-992-5425.