California LLC Filing Fees
Fees for Forming an LLC in California
California LLC filing fees are governed by the California Secretary of State’s office. The filing fee to form a California LLC must be paid at the time you file California Form LLC-1, Articles of Organization or your form will not be processed and will result in a delay for your company.
Forming an LLC in California carries a filing fee of $70.00. A 24-hour expediting of your LLC forms will cost an additional $500.00. A 72-hour processing of your forms will cost $400.00. Five-day processing is an additional $300.00, and ten-day processing is an additional $250.00. If you need to amend your LLC forms it will cost $30.00. If you wish to dissolve your Limited Liability Company at any point, there is no fee.
If you are a domestic stock corporation and you wish to convert your business into an LLC, the fee for this is $150.00. If your LLC wishes to merge with another LLC, the fee is $70.00. If your LLC wishes to merge with a corporation or any other type of business besides an LLC is carries a fee of $150.00.
You can view a list of all fees associated with forming a California LLC by visiting the website of the California Secretary of State. can file your LLC forms and fees for you.
If you have questions, feel free to email us at or call toll-free 1-866-992-5425.