Where to File your Texas DBA
The structure of your DBA (called an Assumed Name in Texas) determines the level
at which your filing will take place. If you have a corporation, LLC, or other incorporated
entity registered with the Secretary of State, your DBA will affect your corporate
records, and you will file your DBA at that level as well. Other, non-incorporated
structures (sole proprietorships and general partnerships) are filed with the County
Clerk of the county in which your DBA will be located.
How to File a DBA for a Sole Proprietor or Partnership
All entity types—unincorporated individuals, partnerships, and incorporated entities—are
filed at the county level. The chosen name must be distinguishable from any other
name currently on file in that county. ClickAndInc can perform a
DBA name search in most counties in Texas so that you can determine whether
your name is available, thus avoiding a rejection.
Information typically required in order to file an Assumed Name at the county level
is as follows:
- The name of your DBA
- The name(s) of the owner(s) of the DBA
- Business address
- Home address—this typically must be a physical address
- Notarized signature of owner(s)
Some counties also require you to give the number of years you wish your DBA to
be active.
Incorporated entities may be asked additional information about their existing business.
How to File a DBA for an Incorporated Entity
If you're an incorporated partnership, a corporation, an LLC, or any other type
of incorporated entity, your TX DBA will be filed at the state level in addition
to the county level. DBA names are not exclusive at the state level, so you do not
need to determine your name's availability in order to file. (However, you should
keep in mind that this means only that you will be allowed to file your DBA—it is
still your responsibility to consider any legal repercussions that may arise by
your use of a name that is otherwise protected.) Additionally, your assumed name
may not be exactly the same as your legal entity name.
Information typically required to file an Assumed Name for your existing business
at the state level is as follows:
- Legal business name and filing number
- Entity type
- The county in which you are physically
- Registered office address
- Principal office address
- Period of duration
The DBA will be signed by a person authorized to do so. This may or may not be an
officer of the corporation.
When you use ClickAndInc to file a Texas DBA,
you do not need to have your filing number on hand. Simply the name of your business
is sufficient; we can look up any additional information required.
Texas Business Formation Quicklinks