Filing a DBA in Pennsylvania
Regardless of your entity type (sole proprietorship, unincorporated partnership,
LLC, corporation—anything), when you file your DBA—called a Fictitious Name in Pennsylvania—you’ll
do so at the state level. Pennsylvania does not have individual county filings.
How to File a Pennsylvania DBA
Since your DBA is filed at the state level along with corporations, LLCs, and other
DBAs, your name is subject to availability at the state level. You can’t call your
DBA something that is already taken, so to avoid a rejection, it may be a good idea
to perform a Pennsylvania DBA name search.
The information below is required:
- The name of your Fictitious Name
- A brief statement describing the purpose of your business
- The location of your Fictitious Name—this must be a physical address; PO boxes can
only be used in conjunction with a physical location
- Address of owner—this will be either the name and address of the person or persons
who are owning the DBA, or the name, entity type, and jurisdiction of a business,
depending on the structure of the DBA.
- Signature—this will be the owner, if an individual, or a representative of the business,
if an incorporated entity. can set up your Pennsylvania DBA
quickly, easily, and affordably—just give us the information we require to properly
draft your forms, and all you have to do is sign!
Additional Information about a Pennsylvania DBA
In Pennsylvania, it is required that you publish notice of your DBA filing in two
newspapers: one legal publication, and one publication of general circulation.
When you file your DBA with Click Industries, you’ll be given the option to publish
notice of your filing yourself—or, you could have us take care of the publication
for you.
Pennsylvania Startup Quicklinks
For information on other types of businesses in Pennsylvania, please explore the
links below.