North Dakota Trade Name
A North Dakota trade name is a type of DBA, or Doing Business As—meaning that
an individual is doing business as a name other than his or her legal name. (If
the last name of the individual appears in the business name, a North Dakota trade
name registration is not required; this type of business would be a Sole Proprietorship.)
The North Dakota trade name registration form, which should be filed with the Secretary
of State's office in Bismarck, will contain the following information:
Trade name
Address of the trade name, in North Dakota
Nature of business
Who the trade name is owned and used by (Individual/Husband and Wife/Corporation/LLC/Other;
a corporation or LLC must be registered to transact business in North Dakota as
a domestic or foreign entity in order to file for a trade name)
Phone number of owner
EIN/SSN and address of the owner
Owner's dated signature
Contact information for someone who can answer questions about the trade name form
The registration fee for a trade name in North Dakota is $25; the trade name registration
lasts for five years, at which time the trade name must be renewed if the owner
intends to continue using it (unlike a corporation or LLC, where the business can
exist perpetually).
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Other types of businesses in North Dakota
If registering a trade name in North Dakota doesn't meet your needs, there are a
few other types of businesses available that provide a higher degree of legal protections
and perpetual existence. For more information, take a look at our
North Dakota Startup overview, or the more specific information contained
in the links below.