About DBA Names in Nevada
According to the Nevada Revised Statute (NRS 602.010), anyone doing business in
a county in Nevada under a name other than their own legal name must file that name
with the County Clerk of that county. DBAs, called Fictitious Firm Names in Nevada,
can be filed for any entity type—Corporations, LLCs, general partnerships, and sole
proprietorships alike.
How to File a DBA In Nevada
To file a Nevada DBA, you must file the Fictitious Firm Name application form. The
name you choose to file must be distinguishable from the other registered names
in that county—ClickAndInc.com can perform a
DBA name search for you to help you avoid a rejection.
While each county has their own form, the information required on the forms are
typically the following:
- The Fictitious Firm Name—the name under which you would like to begin doing business.
- The owner—the legal name of the person or business entity doing business under the
Fictitious Firm Name.
- Business address
- Home address—this must usually be a physical street address, not just a PO Box.
- Signature of owner(s)—this signature must be original, but that signature is not
required to be notarized.
Many Fictitious Firm Names are good for a total of 5 years from the filing date,
at which point a renewal must be filed to extend the period another 5 years. It
is best to check with the specific requirements of the County Clerk’s office.
Nevada Startup Quicklinks
For information on other types of businesses in Nevada, please explore the links