Hawaii LLC

In Hawaii, LLCs are registered with and under the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. The Business Registration Division (BREG) located in Honolulu will record the formation document, called the Articles of Organization; once filed, the LLC becomes a legal entity, able to perform certain legal functions (such as entering contracts and taking out business loans).

Let's take a look at two filings required in order to form an LLC in Hawaii.

Articles of Organization for Limited Liability Company

The Articles of Organization should contain basic information about the business, include (but not limited to):

  1. Name of LLC (including "Limited Liability Company," "LLC," or "L.L.C.")
  2. Principal office address
  3. Registered agent information (if an individual, the name and address of the registered agent; if a business entity, the name and state or country of the agent)
  4. Name and address of organizer
  5. "The period of duration is: At-will / For a specified term to expire on: __/__/__"
  6. "The company is: Member-Managed / Manager-Managed"
  7. Names and addresses of managing parties
  8. Specific information about liability
  9. Statement certifying the authenticity of the information (signed by the organizer)

The Articles of Organization must be either printed or typed in black ink; signatures must also be in black.

Annual Report

Hawaii LLCs are required to file annual reports with the BREG office in Honolulu each year following registration. Depending on which quarter an LLC's filing took place, its annual report is due each year on March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31 (of the first year following the year of organization).

Annual reports are extremely important; failure to file them will result in BREG fines, and continued failure to file them will result in administrative dissolution after two years.

One way to ensure that your LLC does not meet this fate is to keep the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs aware of any change in address (so that annual report reminders sent from the state are sure to reach you). If your business does change location, or if any other clauses in your Articles of Organization need to change, you can file Articles of Amendment to keep the BREG apprised of your situation.

If you'd like, Click&Inc can take care of registering your Articles of Organization for you, registering your LLC in Hawaii quickly, affordably, and correctly.

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Other Businesses in Hawaii

An LLC is by no means the only type of business available for registration with the Honolulu offices. Take a look at the information below to learn more, and talk to your legal advisor to determine which business type is best for you. Aloha!