Form New Jersey LLC- Limited Liability Company
New Jersey LLC
Flexibility and simplicity are buzzwords when you form a state LLC in New Jersey. Unlike the S-Corporation which requires written minutes and yearly meetings along with other corporate routines, there is no need of any such thing in New Jersey LLC. Your Limited Liability Company can bring in unlimited members with the help of private placement contracting.
Private placement contracting gives you the opportunity to capitalize your New Jersey Limited Liability Company at levels which suit you, inclusive of debt financing arranged through financial institutions. To form an LLC in New Jersey, you are required to prepare a written abstract depicting your Limited Liability Company objective, names and addresses of your registered agent and operating agreement.
Advantages of a New Jersey Limited Liability Company
- You get law protection with regard to separating your personal assets from the liabilities of your New Jersey Limited Liability Company.
- If the corporate standing of your Limited Liability Company is good, you may not need to pay taxes at federal and state level.
- Not many permits and licenses are required to conduct business in New Jersey.
- To form an LLC in New Jersey, it is not mandatory that you are a permanent resident of the state.