Pennsylvania Corporation: Incorporate in Pennsylvania
Incorporate in Pennsylvania
When you want to incorporate a business in Pennsylvania, you need to select a business name that is unique from any other registered Pennsylvania business entity. The business name should also not imply that it is a public utility company.
Pennsylvania Corporation
Your articles should include the registered office address of the corporation, the statement that it is incorporated under the terms and conditions of the business corporation law and a docketing statement with the corporation's general business routines.
According to Pennsylvania law, corporations need to publish a filing notice of incorporation articles. The notice will set the name of the corporation and a statement that it has been incorporated in line with the PA business corporation law. You do not need to submit the publication proof to the Pennsylvania Department of State.
Pennsylvania corporation bylaws ensure that your business is conducted properly. The bylaws do not conflict with the incorporation articles. It is your responsibility to adopt the initial bylaws when you do incorporation in Pennsylvania. You also need to make sure that officers are listed in the bylaws. Officers are normally elected by the Board of Directors but there can be exceptions in this case.